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Quick Start

🐕 Quick Start

🍞 Install HertzBeat

HertzBeat supports installation through source code, docker or package, cpu support X86/ARM64.

1:Install quickly via docker
  1. Just one command to get started: docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat

  2. Access localhost:1157 to start, default account: admin/hertzbeat

Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Docker

2:Install via package
  1. Download the installation package GITEE Release GITHUB Release
  2. Need Jdk Environment, jdk11
  3. [optional]Configure the HertzBeat configuration yml file hertzbeat/config/application.yml
  4. Run shell $ ./
  5. Access localhost:1157 to start, default account: admin/hertzbeat

Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Package

3:Start via source code
  1. Local source code debugging needs to start the back-end project manager and the front-end project web-app.
  2. Backend:need maven3+, java11, lombok, start the manager service.
  3. Web:need nodejs npm angular-cli environment, Run ng serve --open in web-app directory after backend startup.
  4. Access localhost:4200 to start, default account: admin/hertzbeat
4:Install All(mysql+tdengine+hertzbeat) via Docker-compose

Install and deploy the mysql database, tdengine database and hertzbeat at one time through docker-compose deployment script.

Detailed steps refer to Install via Docker-Compose