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Monitoring OpenSUSE Operating System Monitoring

Collect and monitor general performance metrics of the OpenSUSE operating system.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Help Description
Monitored HostThe IPV4, IPV6, or domain name of the host being monitored. Note ⚠️ No protocol header (e.g., https://, http://).
Task NameThe name that identifies this monitoring, which must be unique.
PortThe port provided by Linux SSH, default is 22.
TimeoutSets the connection timeout in milliseconds, default is 6000 ms.
Connection ReuseSets whether SSH connections are reused, default is :false. If false, a new connection is created each time information is retrieved.
UsernameSSH connection username, optional.
PasswordSSH connection password, optional.
CollectorConfigures which collector is used to schedule data collection for this monitoring.
Monitoring PeriodThe interval time for periodic data collection in seconds, with a minimum interval of 30 seconds.
Binding TagsUsed for categorized management of monitoring resources.
DescriptionAdditional notes and descriptions for this monitoring, where users can make notes.
KeyThe key required to connect to the server.

Collection Metrics

Metric Set: System Basic Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
Host NameNoneHost name
System VersionNoneOperating system version

Metric Set: CPU Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
infoNoneCPU model
coresCoresNumber of CPU cores
interruptCountNumber of CPU interrupts
loadNoneAverage CPU load over the last 1/5/15 minutes
context_switchCountNumber of context switches
usage%CPU usage rate

Metric Set: Memory Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
totalMbTotal memory capacity
usedMbMemory used by user programs
freeMbFree memory capacity
buff_cacheMbMemory used for cache
availableMbRemaining available memory capacity
usage%Memory usage rate

Metric Set: Disk Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
disk_numCountTotal number of disks
partition_numCountTotal number of partitions
block_writeCountTotal number of blocks written to disk
block_readCountTotal number of blocks read from disk
write_rateiopsDisk block write rate per second

Metric Set: Network Card Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
interface_nameNoneNetwork card name
receive_bytesMbInbound data traffic
transmit_bytesMbOutbound data traffic

Metric Set: File System

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
filesystemNoneName of the file system
usedMbUsed disk size
availableMbAvailable disk size
usage%Usage rate
mountedNoneMount point directory

Metric Set: Top 10 CPU Processes

Statistics for the top 10 processes using the CPU. Statistics include: Process ID, CPU usage, memory usage, executed command.

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
pidNoneProcess ID
cpu_usage%CPU usage rate
mem_usage%Memory usage rate
commandNoneExecuted command

Metric Set: Top 10 Memory Processes

Statistics for the top 10 processes using memory. Statistics include: Process ID, memory usage, CPU usage, executed command.

Metric NameUnitMetric Help Description
pidNoneProcess ID
mem_usage%Memory usage rate
cpu_usage%CPU usage rate
commandNoneExecuted command